Jason Ish
Suricata Test Builders
EveBox Oneshot Demo
EveBox with SQLite
EveBox - Stable Repositories
eve2pcap - Eve Packet and Payload Conversion to pcap
Suricata Quick Start for Fedora 21 and 22
Another IDS rule downloader - rulecat
Suricata Beta (2.1beta3) RPMs for EL7
Suricata with EveBox on a Honeypot
Suricata RPM for EL 7 Updated to 2.0.5
Suricata RPM for EL and CentOS 7
Suricata + ELK in Docker
EveBox - An "eve" Event Viewer for Suricata/ElasticSearch
New Dumpy Release - Multiple Spools and Single Binary Install
Snort, Logstash, Elastic Search and Kibana...
Easy Unified2 File Reading in Python
Dumpy - A Simple PCAP Spool File Frontend
SpringMVC with Embedded Jetty and Thymeleaf
SpringMVC with Embedded Jetty
Some NSM type RPMs.
Libevent Examples
Back to the Mac
FVWM: Moving a Window to Another Screen
Ideal Multi-Monitor Setup
Making that Caps-Lock key an extra Control key
TAILQ Example