Snort, Logstash, Elastic Search and Kibana...

April 17, 2014

After having fun with Suricata's new eve/json logging format and the Logstash/Elastic Search/Kibana combination (see this and this), I wanted to get my Snort events into Elastic Search as well. Using my idstools python library I wrote u2json, a tool that will process a unified2 spool directory (much like barnyard) and convert the events to Suricata-style JSON.

Usage is relatively simple, assuming Snort is logging to /var/log/snort, the following command line should do:

  idstools-u2json -c /etc/snort/snort.conf   
    --directory /var/log/snort  
    --prefix unified2.log  
    --follow --bookmark  
    --output /var/log/snort/alerts.json  

As the output is in the same format as Suricata's you can refer to this guide for the Logstash setup.

One extra step I did was use Logstash to add an "engine" field to each entry. This can be accomplished by adapting the following Logstash configuration:

input {  
  file {  
    path => ["/var/log/suricata/eve.json"]  
    codec => json  
    type => "suricata-json"  
  file {  
    path => ["/var/log/snort/alerts.json"]  
    codec => json  
    type => "snort-json"  

filter {  
  if [type] == "suricata-json" {  
    mutate {  
      add_field => {  
        "engine" => "suricata"  

  if [type] == "snort-json" {  
    mutate {  
      add_field => {  
        "engine" => "snort"  

Checkout out the documentation for information.